대표이사 인사말CEO’s Greeting
저희 농업회사법인 주)가고파힐링푸드는 전통 한의학의 근간이 되는 전국 산야초를 재료로 하여 한방식재료와 한방차를 제조해 오고 있는 기업입니다. 국내 협력사로는 롯데마트, 롯데백화점, 농협하나로마트에 납품해 오고 있으며 2016년 부터 중국, 일본, 베트남, 싱가포르 등 동남아에서 시작하여 이제는 북미의 미국, 캐나다, 오세아니아의 호주 등에도 수출을 확대 하여 좋은 성과를 거듭하고 있습니다.
친환경 농산물을 중심으로 R&D연구소에서는 한방 산야초 효능에 대한 연구를 지속적으로 해 오고 있으며, 세계적인 인증시스템인 FDA, 할랄, 코셔, ISO22000과 국내 Haccp, 유기농인증, 농촌융복합산업사업자인증, 여성친화기업인증, 신지식인인증, 수출전문기업인증 등 공신력 있는 인증 제품과 신뢰를 바탕으로 성장, 발전해 오고 있습니다.
자연이 주는 약속의 미소 “Healing N Farm”은 미래를 열어가는 저희 회사의 슬로건입니다.
가속화 되고 있는 글로벌 웰빙 트렌드에 부합하고자 국내 우수한 산야초의 연구와 개발에 더욱 집중하여 더욱 우수한 제품으로 고객 니즈에 부합하고자 최선을 다할 것을 약속드립니다.
Gagopa-Healing Food Co., Ltd. is a company that has been manufacturing Korean-style ingredients and herbal tea based on the national wild grass, which is the basis of traditional Asian medicine. As a domestic partner, we have been supplying to Lotte Mart, Lotte Department Store, and NongHyup Hanaromart. Stared to Southeast Asia in China, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. in 2016, and now we have expanded our exports to the U.S., Canada, Oceania, Australia, etc. of North America and are making good progress.
Focusing on eco-friendly agricultural products, the R&D Research Institute has continued to study the efficacy of oriental medicinal herbs, and has been growing and developing That is based on reliable certified products and trust such as FDA, halal, Kosher, ISO22000, and domestic Haccp, organic certification, rural convergence industry certification, women-friendly business certificate, new knowledge certification, and export business certificate.
The smile of nature's promise "Healing N Farm“ This is our slogan that can pave the way for changes our future.
To meet the accelerating global well-being trend, we promise to focus more on the research and development of the nation's best national wild grass and do our best to meet the needs of our customers.
2005`s ~ 2009`s
2010`s ~ 2015`s
2015`s ~ Present
Award for Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Certification of Food Safety Management System
Winning the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award
Selected as Top 10 Companies with the Best Power in Changwon-type
Certification of Organic Foods, Korea's Best New Product in 2018 and Korea Forestry Promotion Agency's Hits Product Selection
Selected Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for Agricultural and Industrial Engineering, Lotte Mart in Vietnam
U.S. Antenna Shop, Family Friendly Certification
ISO22000 Certicate, Halal Certicate
Established Company Lab
Designated as Processed Agri-food Export-oriented Company (certied as exportoriented company) in Gyeongsangnam-do
Certied as Venture Business
Established Exclusive R&D Department
Obtained ISO9001, ISO14001
Selected as Female-Owned Business
창조혁신대상 수상Awarded Creative Innovation Prize
농촌융복합산업(6차산업) 사업자 인증 및 우수상품 선정Certified Amalgamated and Complex Business in Farming(Sixth Industry) and Selected as Excellent Product
Selected as Female-Friendly Business
Selected as New Knowledge Worker(Field of Agriculture)
Permanently opened in Lotte Mart
농업회사법인 ㈜가고파힐링푸드 설립Established Agricultural Corporation Gagopa Healing Food Co., Ltd.
Permanently opened in GS Mart
Awarded Most Excellent in Customer Service Award by Daewoo Department Store, Daedong Department Store, and Shinsegae Department Store
Awarded 2006 Most Excellent Business Award by Daedong Department Sto
Awarded Most Excellent in Customer Service Award by Daewoo Department Store
Permanently opened in Shinsegae Department Store
Established Gangwon Medicinal Herb Farming
대동백화점 고정Permanently opened in Daedong Department Store
대우백화점 고정 입점Permanently opened in Daewoo Department Store
경영전략Business Strategy
가고파힐링푸드 이야기Healing Food Story
간편 식재료Easy Food Ingredients
간편 삼계탕 재료Convenient Product of Samgyetang
중량 Weight : 90g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
뽕나무 33%, 엄나무 27%, 오가피 22%, 헛개나무 11%, 황기 5%, 당기 2%
Mulberry 33%, Kalopanax 27%, Acanthopanax 22%, Raisin tree 11%, Astragalus root 5% , Korea Angelica 2%
간편 유황삼채 삼계탕 재료Convenient Product of Yoohwang Samchae Samgyetang
중량 Weight : 90g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
오가피 20%, 뽕나무잎 20%, 헛개나무 15%, 오리목15%, 황기 10%, 삼채10%, 삼백초 10%
Acanthopanax 20%, Mulberry Leaves 20%, Raisin Tree 15%, Alder 15%, Astragalus Root 10%, Hooker Chive 10%, Chinese Lizardtail 10%
삼계탕 재료Samgyetang Ingredients
중량 Weight : 100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
황기 25%, 헛개나무 20%, 오가피 20%, 엄나무 20%, 상지 10%, 대추5%
Milk Vetch Root 25%, Raisin Tree 20%, Acanthopanax 20%, Kalopanax 20%, Mulbeny Branch 10%, Jujube 5%
제천 황기Korean Milk Vetch Root
중량 Weight : 100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
황기 100%
Milk Vetch Root 100%
한차 티백Medicinal Herbal Tea
우엉차Burdock Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
국산 Korea
노니차Noni Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
베트남 Vietnam
도라지차Balloon Flower Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
국산 Korea
모과차Quince Tea
중량 Weight : 18g
원산지 Place of Origin :
국산 Korea
여주차Bitter gourd Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
국산 Korea
십전대보차Siquan Dabu Tea
중량 Weight : 1g * 50
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
쌍화차Black Herbal Tea
중량 Weight : 1g * 50
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
맑은가득차Rich Clarifying Tea
중량 Weight : 1g * 50
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
새싹보리차Sprout Barley Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
독일 Germany
오미자차Omija Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
국산 Korea
아티초크차Atichoke Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
베트남 Vietnam
영지버섯차Ganoderma Lucidum Tea
중량 Weight : 12g
원산지 Place of Origin :
국산 Korea
유기농 허브 티백Organic Herb Tea
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
중량 Weight : 10g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
로즈힙Rose Hip
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
얼그레이 홍차Earl Grey
중량 Weight : 10g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
중량 Weight : 15g
원산지 Place of Origin :
별도표기 Notice
한방 청Medicinal Honey Preserved
인삼청Honey Preserved Ginseng
중량 Weight : 1100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
도라지청Honey Preserved Bellflower Root
중량 Weight : 1100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
오미자청Honey Preserved Omija
중량 Weight : 1050g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
대추청Honey Preserved Jujube
중량 Weight : 1100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
우엉청Honey Preserved Burdock
중량 Weight : 1100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
생강청Honey Preserved Ginger
중량 Weight : 1100g
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
단감 제품Sweet Persimmon Product
단감 숙취해소음료Sweet Persimmon Hangover Cure drink
중량 Weight : 별도표기 Notice
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
단감푸딩Sweet Persimmon Pudding
중량 Weight : 별도표기 Notice
원산지 Place of Origin : 별도표기 Notice
선물 세트Gift Set
블루베리즙Blueberry Juice
중량 Weight : 80ml * 30
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
허브티컬렉션 1호Herb Tea Collection NO.1
중량 Weight : 1.5ml * 30
원산지 Place of Origin : 별도표기 Notice
삼계탕재료 세트Samgyetang ingredient set
중량 Weight : 별도표기 Notice
원산지 Place of Origin : 별도표기 Notice
유기농 매실차진액/무농약 블루베리진액세트 Organic green plum extract & non-pesticide blueberry extract set
중량 Weight : 450g * 2
원산지 Place of Origin : 국산 Korea
가고파힐링푸드 CFHealing Food CF
국내 유통Domestic Distribution
해외 수출Everseas Export
장비 현황Equipment Status
Roasting Machine
Tea Bag Machine
Metal Detector / Weighted By Weight
Industrial Mixer
washing machine
heavy water heater
Sealing Machine
Lap Packer
인증 현황Certificates Status
Business Registration Certicate
Small and Medium-sized Business Certicate
Female-Owned Business Certicate
Venture Business Certicate
New Knowledge Worker Certicate
Amalgamated and Complex Business in Farming Certicate
Creative Innovation Prize
Certified as Export-oriented Company
ISO22000 Certicate
Company Lab Certicate
Clean Industry Certicate
FDA Certification
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Commendation
Certificate of Food Safety Management System
Citation from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Organic Processing Certification
Kosher Certification
Halal Certification
특허 현황Patent Status